Sunday, November 30, 2008


--Ali-- I was born and raised Muslim. I can't say it influenced me beyond me not eating pork for the first half of my life... and a nagging urge to Jihad against the Infidel... But around 15 years of age I chose to be baptised in a Southern Baptist church. I believed in Christianity. I stopped cursing for 2 years. I chose not to drink or smoke or have sex. I went on mission trips, I witnessed to non-believers, and I even went to Bible study! Living according to the Word was great, but joining the Air Force changed all that. I got married and lost my virginity to my wife, yeah, "awwww." What a crock of shit all that was. I had a head full of ideals that didn't function in the real world. I still believed in God though, nothing would ever change that. However my chosen path waned. I studied Islam again, and even studied with the Mormons. Then I had an epiphany. Anyone that specific about religion, I mean the stuck up Christians, holier than thou Catholics, nut job Mormons, they're all full of shit. You gotta focus on God for a second and then you'll get what I mean. Imagine you are God. Now imagine there are 20 different people saying 20 slightly, but clearly different things about what you, as God, want from us, as people. Some people saying you have to be baptised, circumcised, kosher, this that and the other thing. If you are all powerful God you wouldn't give a shit less about the specifics, all you care is that your creations love each other. I love God, and I spread love through my actions, nuff said.

-Northside- I cant even say how much I agree with Ali, even though I didn't grow up subscribing to and particular religion. I'm thankful I was never forced into a religion I did not choose for myself, I was encouraged to choose what was right for me. I did however grow up in a home of what people would call christian values. But I also have researched many religions and have come to find that we as a people can take many lessons from all religions. I have come to the same conclusion as Ali, that you must come up with a set of values and morals that you think are important to you and what you want for your family. More important than what any one book or person call tell you is, that things like compassion and understanding for others, are above all.

1 comment:

  1. Ali - I went through the 'Jesus phase' at around the same time and place as you. There's just something about that area in AL...before I moved I was already becoming skeptical, and with the benefit of distance I could see how crazy those people were. It's pretty scary to see how easily-led people are (favorite "wtf" moment was when a girl started crying at youth group because she was afraid that her Catholic friend was going to hell). I still can't believe there was a (very brief) time that I was afraid to listen to "non-christian" music.

    It all helped make me into the godless heathen I am today, though.
